A dark and violent crime thriller set against the backdrop of 1940’s Los Angeles, now in stunning virtual reality. Noire is out on PS4, Xbox One and Switch this week – here are 10 top tips that will help you be a good cop. Noire tips: 10 essential tips for all consoles LA Noire - First fist fisty cuffs fight - video ….Noire, LA Noire PS3, X360, PC, PS4, XONE, … Noire: The VR Case Files_fist fight - YouTube What is the best strategy for Street Crimes? - L.A.LA Noire Walkthrough Video Guide (Xbox 360, ….LA Noire outfits: How to unlock all new suits, ….Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (PS3) Trophy ….List of controls for the PC version of L.A.Walkthrough - LA Noire Wiki Guide - IGN.SwitchArcade: ‘LA Noire’ Is an Incredible Switch ….General Tips - LA Noire Wiki Guide - IGN.